
Welcome to Trinity Surgery 

Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Accredited GP Practice
Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Accredited GP Practice

We are pleased to inform you all that Trinity Surgery is now an accredited Armed Forces veteran friendly GP practice. This means that we have a dedicated clinician who has a specialist knowledge of military related health conditions and veteran specific health services. 


Measles cases are rising. Whilst the increase in measles cases has been seen mostly in the West Midlands so far, we know that the infection can spread quickly. That's why it’s important to know the symptoms of measles, what to do when you or your child might have measles, and how you can get protected against measles with a Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination course. You can find out more about measles here.


Please see link to the new dedicated measles webpage www.cpics.org.uk/measles that provides the latest information and details of MMR walk in vaccination clinics locally.  

My planned care

NHS MY Planned Care Platform (https://www.myplannedcare.nhs.uk/)  is available online and will provide direct access to the latest average wait time for appointments and operations for local hospitals, as well as helpful advice and support for patients whilst they wait.

NHS My Planned Care is updated weekly, is easy-to-use and has ‘open access’ which enables carers, friends, relatives to also access information on someone else’s behalf.

 Alternatively, patients who have already been in correspondence with hospitals regarding their planned care can also contact the relevant department or service. Details of which can be found on previous letters patients will have received or by contacting the hospital’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Patients are asked that they only call the GP practice if their condition has genuinely deteriorated, when you will be reviewed by one of the clinical team and appropriate action can be taken in regard to your care.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital

  • 9am - 5pm, Monday to Thursday
  • E-mail: pals@qehkl.nhs.uk
  • Phone: 01553 613351 or 01553 613343

Peterborough City Hospital AND Stamford & Rutland Hospital


Hinchingbrooke Hospital

Royal Papworth Hospital

